Recording Butterflies & Moths

Records are entertaining to keep, interesting to look back on and they help conservation enormously

If we don’t know how species are doing, what is thriving and what isn’t, we cannot hope to halt and reverse declines.

In this section we explain how to record your sightings and how to become involved with surveys and monitoring. 

Which method is right for you?

Recording can take as much or as little time as you like. You can do it anywhere you see a butterfly that you can identify. 

More information about the different methods will be added as this website is developed and therefore some of the links will redirect you to an external website.

Butterflies for the New Millenium

General Recording

Butterfly Conservation's general recording scheme is known as Butterflies for the New Millennium or BNM. 

Garden Butterfly Survey

Garden Butterfly Survey

The Garden Butterfly Survey is a project aimed at understanding how butterflies are faring in the UK's gardens. 

iRecord Butterflies App

iRecord App

The iRecord Butterflies is a free app for iPhone & Android that will help you identify & allow you to record your butterfly sightings.

Big Butterfly Count

Big Butterfly Count

This is a nationwide survey held every summer asking you to count and record the butterflies and day flying moths you see.

Wider Countryside Butterfly Survey

Wider Countryside Survey

Wider Countryside Butterfly Survey (WCBS) requires between two and four visits a year  to an allocated 1km square.

UKBMS website

Transect Walks

Traditional Transects are walked weekly during a 26-week period between April and September each year. 

UKBMS website

Reduced Effort Surveys

Single species transects during flight period of the species of interest, adult timed counts, larval web counts and egg counts

UKBMS website

Moth sightings

Moth sightings & counts should be sent to the County Moth Recorder. (Neale Mellersh).

What happens to your records?

Butterfly records reported by the above methods will be verified and collated by the relevant geographical Butterfly County Recorder before being added to Butterfly Conservation's national database. 

Our Branch Butterfly Records Coordinator is also the Somerset County Recorder and receives records submitted from vice-counties VC5 & VC6.  These records form the annual distribution Atlas which is available to branch members.

This website and its content is copyright of Butterfly Conservation (BC) Somerset & Bristol Branch

 © Butterfly Conservation (BC) Somerset & Bristol Branch 2025. All rights reserved.

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