Committee & Roles

Branch committees run their local branch of Butterfly Conservation and its activities, and in order to do that committee members attend regular meetings and take part in committee decisions.

Branch Officers & Committee Members

We currently have 13 committee members and 1 associate member.

  • The branch committee can have up to 15 members
  • A post is held for 3 years, but members are eligible to stand again 
  • Additional post-holders may be associate members of the branch committee
  • Elections are held at the annual members' day & AGM (November) 
  • Co-opted branch committee members will stand at the next election following co-option
  • Any member may propose another for election to the branch committee at the Members’ Day (subject to T&C
Branch Chair


This position is currently vacant and the roles are shared amongst the team.  Peter Bright is currently our 'Acting Chair'.

Branch Secretary

Alison Uren

Alison took on the role of branch secretary in 2021. She also helps out with a butterfly transect on the Mendip Hills.

Branch Treasurer

Nick Redman

Nick is our branch treasurer and liaises with Butterfly Conservation HQ finance team.

As well as giving regular updates to the committee, he will present the Treasurer's report at the Branch AGM in Novmber.

Membership Secretary & Newsletter Editor

Sue Davies

Sue seeks content and then produces the Arion, our branch magazine. 

In addition, Sue is our branch membership secretary and liases with Butterfly Conservation HQ.

County Butterfly Recorder

Ross Harley

Ross is the Branch Butterfly Records Coordinator & County Butterfly Recorder (for Somerset VC5 & VC6).

Branch Transect Coordinator

Peter Bright

As well as Branch Transect Coordinator, Peter is also joint Honorary Warden for two of our BC Reserves

Websites & Social Media 

Jen Harley

Jen looks after our branch website and also our branch page on the BC website.

She also coordinates the Social Media platforms with others volunteers.

Reserve Warden

John Ball

John is joint Honorary Warden along with Peter for our Stoke Camp & Westbury Beacon Reserves.

John & Peter work closely with Max Anderson (South West Landscape Officer) and Jenny Plackett (South West Regional Manager) at Butterfly Conservation.

WCBS Champion

Andy Danford

Andy Danford is our Wider Countryside Butterfly Survey (WCBS) Champion.

To find out more about WCBS, please click on this link.


Committee Member

John Connolly

John will be known to many of your as he leads a few of our guided walks.

John is also a committee member (secretary) of the Somerset Moth Group.

Committee Member

Roger Perkins

Roger was a branch committee member a few years ago and re-joined us in 2021.

Many of our members will know Roger as he leads our walk in Lords Wood looking for White Admirals.

Committee Member

Fred Giles

Fred joined the branch committee in November 2022.

He is well known around the Avalon Marshes and is also involved in co-ordinating the team of butterfly transect recorders there.

Committee Member

Ben Barker

Ben joined the branch committee in 2023.

Ben is involved with many wildlife groups in the Bristol area.

Committee Member

Rani Koya

Rani joined the branch committee in Oct 2024 having recently moved to our branch area.

Associate Members

Associate Committee Members help run the branch without being a full Committee member.

They may attend regular Branch committee meetings if they wish, but they do not have a vote on committee decisions.

Ian Walker

Ian is the Honorary Warden for our Mount Fancy Reserve.

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 © Butterfly Conservation (BC) Somerset & Bristol Branch 2025. All rights reserved.

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